Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Nestle fitness review

Ok due to the fact that I have been working and not really tking care of myself and not getting enough sleep I have been carrying some extra baggage with me. So in a bid to get healthier I decided to try the Nestle fitness cereal out. I opted for the honey and almond flavour and it came with a free dance CD-haha! I honestly can't see myself busting any moves like the lady on the box (think of a sun bear ateempting to dance-hahahaha! Even I can't stop laughing) so I chucked the cd and opted to remain active in a more natural setting for me (Meaning my neighbours cannot video me and balckmail me in the future).

I was pleasantly surpirised to find that the cereal had actual almond flakes in it and that each flake had a distinct honey flavour. I have yet to lose any weight but that is probably because I am not following the instructions and replacing either lunch or dinner with a bowl of cereal. Anyway for those out there who happen to be wondering, the cereal tastes good and not bland and will satisfy your sweet tooth.And the bonus is that you get a free cd to groove to or you could just opt to stare at the models abs and convince yourself you will look like her at the end of 2 weeks :) Either way it is a low calorie healthy cheap option without having to pay for a slimming salon.

Good luck!
Ms Foodie

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